We take pride in crafting our Pedal Car ladders in house, from locally sourced oak.
Here's how we do it...
The oak planks are cut into strips and then run through a molding machine, that brings them to the ¾ inch size. Additionally, the molding machine puts a smooth finish on the oak and also, puts a radius on the corners. Then we cut them to our desired length.
We make four lengths:
6 ½ in, for the little scoot a long cars.
13 in. for the Jalopy style pedal cars.
18 ½ in. for post war pedal cars and reproduction pedal cars.
23 in. for larger, pre-war pedal cars.
We then drill 3, 4, or 5 holes for the rungs, depending on the size we are making.
We cut the oak dowels to the correct length, chamfer the ends of the rails and hand sand the rails.
The last step is to assemble the ladders, using glue and a rubber mallet.
We hope you enjoy your ladders, as much as we enjoy making them!
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